Yorkville University’s Dr. Mary Drinkwater will soon celebrate the publication of her new book series, The Bloomsbury Handbooks of Crises and Transformative Leadership in Higher Education, with a special webinar and launch event.
This webinar and book series launch, hosted by the Global Centre for Higher Education (GCHE) at the University of Oxford, will take place on Tuesday, April 30 from 9 to 10 a.m. (EDT), featuring Drinkwater and her series co-editors, Yusef Waghid of Stellenbosch University, and Patrick Deane of Queen’s University.
Register for the webinar and book launch HERE.

About The Bloomsbury Handbooks of Crises and Transformative Leadership in Higher Education:
This four-volume international handbook series, which is set to be published in Spring 2024, tackles the global crises, unrelenting change, and disruptions (such as pandemics, financial crises, environmental crises, technological innovations, geopolitical events, and others) that have induced both challenges and opportunities for institutions of higher education globally, while threatening the sustainability of many.
With over 120-chapter authors from six continents – including many from Yorkville (see full listing below) – these volumes deepen readers’ understanding of the multiple and intersecting crises and change issues, within diverse local and global geopolitical, social, economic and cultural contexts, that leaders in higher education institutions (HEIs) needed to handle.
In creating new policies, programs and pedagogical approaches, leaders in higher education have had to work critically, creatively and collaboratively to identify opportunities and overcome obstacles related to values, ethics, learning, engagement, inclusion, diversity, research, technology, accountability, partnership development, and sustainability, amongst others. Through their leadership and transformative change initiatives, many leaders and senior administrative teams have found or created new opportunities and are now looking at the valuable lessons learned from their experiences under extreme conditions, and how these might inform the post-pandemic, post-change or post-crisis directions for their university.
The series includes the following titles, many of which feature contributions by Yorkville University faculty:

Mary Drinkwater
– Handbook Series Preface
– Introduction: Considerations and Complexities of Values, and Ethical Change in Transformative Leadership in Higher Education
– Conclusion: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward for Contextual Considerations and Complexities in Crises, Change and Transformative Leadership in Higher Education
Nishreena Nisham
– Chapter 15: Transactional, Transformational and Charismatic Approaches to Organizational Change Leadership in Times of Uncertain Futures

Volume 2: The Bloomsbury Handbook on Context and Transformative Leadership in Higher Education
Mary Drinkwater
– Handbook Series Preface
– Introduction: Contextual Considerations and Complexities in Crises, Change and Transformative Leadership in Higher Education
– Conclusion: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward for Contextual Considerations and Complexities in Crises, Change and Transformative Leadership in Higher Education
Sanaz Adibian
– Chapter 4: Ascertaining the Calm in the Crisis
Kenneth Leow
– Chapter 13: The Use of Mobile Instant Messaging (MIM) in Teaching and Learning: A Case of Malaysian Academics
Angela Antohi-Kominek, Reem Habib, Andrew Cutler
– Chapter 15: Innovative Approaches to Academic Research: New Visions for Redefining Scholarly Activities in Higher Education

Volume 3: The Bloomsbury Handbook on Diversity, Crises and Transformative Leadership in Higher Education
Mary Drinkwater
– Handbook Series Preface
– Introduction: Recognizing Diversity, Equality, Equity and Inclusion: Higher Education Leadership as a Cosmopolitan Act of Change
– Conclusion: Lessons for Transformative and Cosmopolitan Leadership in HEI: Crises and Diversity

Volume 4: The Bloomsbury Handbook of Ethics of Care in Transformative Leadership in Higher Education
Mary Drinkwater
– Handbook Series Preface
– Introduction: Theoretical Grounding for Ethics of Care in Crises and Transformative Leadership in Higher Education: Insights from African and Indigenous Philosophy, Critical Posthumanism and Ecotistical Leadership
– Conclusion: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward for Ethics of Care in Crises and Change for Transformative Leadership in Higher Education
Robert McClung
– Chapter 4: Role of TAs in Assisting Japanese EFL-TEFL Teacher-Candidates
Sofia Georgiadou
– Chapter 6: Supporting Faculty Wellness Initiatives During Times of Crisis and Change
Julia Christensen Hughes
– Chapter 7: Bringing Caring, Community and Confrontation into the Academy: Embracing an Ethic of Care
Katie Maxwell
– Chapter 9: (re)Imagining and Valuing Adjunct Faculty’s Vast Funds of Knowledge